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Governor’s Office of Highway Safety grant helps QCPD address traffic safety

“These grants play a crucial role in our ability to enhance our traffic safety initiatives. Speed, aggressive/reckless driving and DUI/impaired driving are some of the most common factors in injury-related traffic collisions in Queen Creek. The support of these grants is beneficial in helping us meet our goals, which are to keep our roads safe and ensure that everyone in Queen Creek reaches their destination safely,” said Queen Creek Police Chief Randy Brice.

Over the past year, the Queen Creek Police Department (QCPD) has received grants totaling more than $90,000 from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS).

This money continues to help QCPD officers address critical traffic-related issues, including speeding, aggressive/reckless driving and DUI/impaired driving. These funds have been utilized to purchase equipment, provide specialized training, and support traffic/DUI-related patrols/operations. 

“These grants play a crucial role in our ability to enhance our traffic safety initiatives. Speed, aggressive/reckless driving and DUI/impaired driving are some of the most common factors in injury-related traffic collisions in Queen Creek. The support of these grants is beneficial in helping us meet our goals, which are to keep our roads safe and ensure that everyone in Queen Creek reaches their destination safely,” said Queen Creek Police Chief Randy Brice.

According to the 2022 Arizona Crash Facts Summary released by the Arizona Department of Transportation, Arizona saw more than 400 speed-related fatalities and more than 200 alcohol-related fatalities statewide (calendar year 2022). 

“These numbers are concerning, and they illustrate the need for these continued efforts. Traffic safety is, and will continue to be, a priority for the department. We want everyone to be safe on our roadways and to always drive to arrive.” added Brice.

GOHS is the focal point for highway safety issues in Arizona. The cabinet agency provides leadership by developing, promoting and coordinating programs; influencing public and private policy; and increasing public awareness of highway safety. For more information about the Governor's Office of Highway Safety, visit

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