After helping the Fiesta Bowl enhance its position as a premier college football Bowl Season game, grow community involvement and establish a grant process that contributed more than $20 million of charitable funds to nonprofit organizations across Arizona, Mike Nealy today announced that he is stepping down as executive director of the Fiesta Bowl.
“We worked diligently over the last eight years to develop world-class college football Bowl Season experiences and community events while also driving economic growth and expanding charitable giving within our Arizona community. I believe this is the right time to step aside as the Fiesta Bowl continues to prepare for what is expected to be a dynamic future for collegiate Bowl Season organizations,” Nealy said. “I have enjoyed serving our community and the Fiesta Bowl organization during a time of growth and stability and being a champion of charitable causes across the great state of Arizona.”
The Fiesta Bowl is a world-class community organization that executes innovative experiences, drives economic growth and champions charitable causes, inspiring pride in all Arizonans. As a nonprofit organization, it believes in the importance of community outreach and service. Through charitable giving, the organization strives to enhance Arizona nonprofit organizations that contribute to the success of communities through youth, sports and education. Since 1971, the Fiesta Bowl has worked to increase its footprint across the state and work to benefit Arizonans year-round, during and outside of Bowl Season.
“Mike was hired by the Fiesta Bowl eight years ago to help strengthen the Bowl as a preeminent organization, execute our charitable mission and expand our partner and sponsor base,” said Fiesta Bowl Board Chair Patrick Barkley. “He was the right person to help us meet our mission and objectives and we are deeply grateful for all of Mike’s contributions to the Fiesta Bowl organization. We wish Mike the best in all his future endeavors.”
As part of the board’s focus on the future, Barkley announced that the Fiesta Bowl Board of Directors will engage a national search firm to identify Nealy’s replacement over the coming months.
Barkley also announced that the board has asked current board member Jim Hatfield to step in as the Interim executive director of the Fiesta Bowl to help ensure there is a smooth transition of the Bowl’s management and day-to-day operations until a new executive director is retained.
Hatfield, who has served on the board for seven years, recently retired as executive vice president and chief financial officer for Pinnacle West Capital Corporation and its primary subsidiary, Arizona Public Service Company, Arizona’s largest electric company.
“Mike has done an excellent job of helping to fortify our organization, its charitable mission and our place in college football. I am honored to provide a steady hand as we look for our future next executive director,” said Hatfield.