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Annual Queen Creek Side by Side Christmas Parade set to roll Dec. 11

"This is our third year hosting this Side by Side Christmas Parade. We started doing it to help spread joy by dressing up our off-roading vehicles with Christmas lights and parading through the neighborhoods," Queen Creek resident Jen Masse said. "The first year we held the parade we had 35 rigs, last year we grew to 275 rigs and this year, we are expecting to double that. We have had such a positive response to our event that it just brings joy to continue putting it on each year."

The Third Annual Queen Creek Side by Side Christmas Parade is Saturday, Dec. 11, starting at Queen Creek High School.

"This is our third year hosting this Side by Side Christmas Parade. We started doing it to help spread joy by dressing up our off-roading vehicles with Christmas lights and parading through the neighborhoods," Queen Creek resident Jen Masse said. "The first year we held the parade we had 35 rigs, last year we grew to 275 rigs and this year, we are expecting to double that. We have had such a positive response to our event that it just brings joy to continue putting it on each year. This year we have added a raffle at our staging site prior to the parade to help raise funds for our military members and their families."

Masse and her husband, Nick, said they will be collecting items this year for military members who are overseas and will have a raffle and food trucks prior to the ride to help gather money for supplies for military members.

"We highly recommend parking your truck/trailer at either the church next door, Central Christian Church to the east, or Walmart about a mile down the road because parking will be limited at the high school," Nick Masse said. "Routes will be posted as well as a channel on radios to help communicate. Please follow all traffic laws. Rzr AZ is not responsible for anything you do with your rig nor it’s occupants on this ride."

This event is open to all off-road vehicles. No RSVP is necessary. Just show up with your decked out rig and join the fun at the meeting and staging area at Queen Creek High School, 22149 E. Ocotillo Road. The parade will depart promptly at 6 p.m.