Gardening in the Arizona desert can be a challenge, but Angela Judd, master gardener and founder of Growing in the Garden, has made it her mission to help others cultivate thriving gardens in even the harshest conditions.
Through her Instagram,, Judd shares her knowledge with thousands of aspiring gardeners. She also shares information on her blog,, YouTube channel, and has even written a book, “How to Grow Your Own Food: An Illustrated Beginner’s Guide to Container Gardening.”
A passion for gardening and teaching
Judd’s journey into gardening began in 2008. “When I first started gardening in Arizona, I had a tough time figuring out what to do,” Judd said. “Most of the information online wasn’t tailored for our desert climate.”
Determined to succeed, she immersed herself in learning everything she could about desert gardening.
“Initially I created an Instagram account so I wouldn’t overwhelm my friends with garden pictures, but I soon realized I could help others who were facing the same challenges,” Judd said. “That led me to start a blog with easy-to-understand articles about gardening in the low desert, and eventually, I began filming YouTube videos.”
In 2015 she earned her Master Gardner certification.
Connecting and inspiring through social media
Through her platforms, Judd has cultivated a community of enthusiastic gardeners who turn to her for guidance, inspiration, and encouragement.
“I love hearing from others that they are having success in gardening,” Judd shares. “I hope they realize that it is possible to garden here, even if it isn’t always easy.”
Her advice is rooted in experience. “Organic gardening principles really do work. When you focus on soil health, plant your crops at the right time, follow proper watering methods, and provide consistent care, you’ll see your yard and garden thrive and it only gets better from there,” Judd explained. “Are there challenges? Absolutely. Our climate can be harsh, but the abundant sunlight and ability to garden year-round also create incredible growth opportunities.”
She frequently teaches classes online and in-person throughout the Valley. During her classes she takes the time to listen and help troubleshoot any issues attendees may be having.
Teaching, growing and inspiring
“My goal is to educate others and meet them where they are,” Judd explains.
One of the most rewarding aspects of her work is witnessing the transformation in new gardeners who once doubted their ability to grow anything in Arizona’s arid climate. Her guidance has given many people the confidence to start their own gardens, providing fresh food and beauty to their homes.
“I love what I do. There’s never enough time to write all the articles or film all the videos I’d like,” Judd said. “I’m happiest when I’m gardening; having a full day in the garden is my favorite way to spend my time.”
Beyond gardening, Judd is a devoted mother of five and a brand-new grandmother. Her family has been her biggest support system, often spending time turning compost, harvesting and helping clean up the garden.
Upcoming event: Carefree Garden Seminar Series
Garden enthusiasts will have the opportunity to learn directly from Judd at the upcoming Carefree Garden Seminar Series.
On April 12, she will be presenting “Six Tips for Success: Summer Gardening.”
She’ll be covering essential tips for overcoming the challenges of summer gardening in Arizona, including growing heat-tolerant vegetables.
The seminar starts at 9:30 a.m. in the Carefree Town Council Chambers located at 33 Easy Street.
The Carefree Garden Seminar Series is an excellent opportunity for community members to connect with fellow gardeners, and celebrate the unique beauty of the Sonoran Desert. Attendees are encouraged to bring notepads and questions to make the most of these informative sessions. $5 donations are accepted at the door.
For more information on the Carefree Garden Seminar Series visit
Cultivating a thriving gardening community
Through Growing in the Garden, Judd has become an invaluable resource for those looking to navigate the intricacies of desert gardening. Whether through social media, in-person events, or her published work, Judd’s influence ensures that anyone with a passion for plants can find success—even in the desert.
Learn more about Judd's gardening journey by following on Instagram.