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QCFMD offers Christmas tree safety tips

The Queen Creek Fire and Medical Department would like to share some tips so that you can safely enjoy the season with friends and family.

The Christmas tree is the center of many holiday family traditions. The Queen Creek Fire and Medical Department would like to share some tips so that you can safely enjoy the season with friends and family. 

Picking the tree 

  • Choose a tree with fresh, green needles that do not fall off when touched. 

Placing the tree  

  • Before placing the tree in the stand, cut 2 inches from the base of the trunk. 
  • Make sure the tree is at least 3 feet away from any heat source, like fireplaces, radiators, candles, heat vents or lights. 
  • Make sure the tree is not blocking an exit. 
  • Add water to the tree stand. Be sure to add water daily. 

Lighting the tree 

  • Use lights that have the label of a recognized testing laboratory. Some lights are only for indoor or outdoor use. 
  • Replace any string of lights with worn or broken cords or loose bulb connections. Connect no more than three strands of mini string sets and a maximum of 50 bulbs for screw-in bulbs. Read manufacturer’s instructions for number of LED strands to connect. 
  • Never use lit candles to decorate the tree. 
  • Always turn off Christmas tree lights before leaving home or going to bed.

After Christmas 

  • Bring outdoor electrical lights inside after the holidays to prevent hazards and make them last longer. 
  • Get rid of the tree after Christmas or when it is dry. Dispose of the tree as soon as possible. Dried-out trees are a fire danger and should not be left in the home or garage or placed outside against the home. 

Disposal options 

  • Drop off your tree beginning Monday, Dec. 26 through Monday, Jan. 9 from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. at the self-service drop-off area located just north of the Town of Queen Creek’s Field Operations Facility, located at 19715 S. 220th St. Use Ryan Road, as there will be no access from 220th Street. 
  • Schedule a bulk pick-up for your Christmas tree online at BulkTrash