The Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) joins education leaders across the state in applauding Arizona voters for their support and passage of Proposition 308, providing in-state tuition to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) students.
“Throughout the years, MCCCD has fought to provide Arizona's most affordable tuition for high-quality associate's degrees, bachelor's degrees and workforce training to all in-state students regardless of their immigration status,” said MCCCD Chancellor, Dr. Steven R. Gonzales. “The passage of Proposition 308 will allow thousands of Arizona DACA students to pursue their dream of obtaining a higher education, and we look forward to serving them.”
Proposition 308 ensures that any Arizonan, regardless of their immigration status, who has graduated from an Arizona high school and has lived in the state for two consecutive years, is granted in-state tuition at its colleges and universities.
Each year, thousands of undocumented students graduate from Arizona high schools. Unable to access in-state tuition rates, many forgo their education aspirations due to the financial barrier. The passage of Proposition 308 will strengthen MCCCD’s growing dual enrollment pipeline, which has been vital in the recovery of the System after the initial impact brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I believe that Proposition 308 is not only an investment and commitment to our DACA students but to the future of Arizona’s workforce development. Arizona has a serious current labor shortage, Proposition 308 will aid in jump starting our labor market by providing much-needed skilled employees to the current job market,” said Gonzales.
Proposition 308 makes higher education more affordable and attainable for DACA students entering college for the first time or returning to college to learn new skills and re-enter the workforce. Developed with local industry partners and economic development leaders, Maricopa Community Colleges offers 60 individual Fast Track Certificates that prepare students for a new career in as little as a few weeks or six months. The highly-specific training certificates meet the needs of current and future Arizona businesses, whether it’s precision manufacturing, healthcare or advancing IT professional skills.
Arizona now joins the growing list of states that grant in-state tuition to undocumented students.