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Rosie the penguin to host dance party for special needs 'Swifties'

OdySea Aquarium in Scottsdale will pick 10 winners to join the fun for a memorable Penguin Experience that includes time with Rosie and some of her penguin pals, light refreshments, photo opportunities, Taylor tributes, admission to OdySea Aquarium, a few surprises and, of course, dancing.

What does Taylor Swift have in common with a fine-feathered, endangered species that calls OdySea Aquarium home in Scottsdale? Not only are they both “tough chicks,” but Swift and OdySea’s physically disabled penguin, Rosie, share the same birth date, Dec. 13, and are inspiring people with their success stories.

Swift, the American singer-songwriter turned 33 this year, on top of breaking records, winning awards and topping charts. Rosie celebrated her third “hatch” day, and has been breaking records of her own.

Rosie’s story

Not long after Rosie hatched, she was diagnosed with skeletal abnormalities that prevented her from hitting major developmental milestones such as sitting up or walking. After an intense year of physical therapy that included very innovative techniques to build her core strength and leg muscles, the young penguin met her adversities head-on to become a thriving member of the larger colony at the aquarium.

The endearing Rosie, named after Rosie the Riveter for her can-do attitude, has proven to be an inspiration to everyone at OdySea Aquarium, and through her countless media stories, she continues to encourage numerous people worldwide. Rosie serves as a significant role model to disabled persons, especially children, who intrinsically relate to this amazing animal and her story of triumph.

As a huge Swiftie (along with her entire OdySea Aquarium animal care team), Rosie and her crew celebrated her “hatch” day by jumping on the latest T-Swift TikTok dance trend and created the only penguin-featured video version of “Bejeweled.” The video can be viewed on OdySea Aquarium’s Facebook page.

Rosie and the crew had so much fun that they wanted to share it. So, with Swift coming to town to kick-off her Eras World Tour, Rosie is hosting her very own Dance Party at OdySea Aquarium on March 16 to celebrate all things Taylor Swift and is inviting Swifties with special needs.

Join the party

Have a special needs Swiftie fan in the family who would like to meet Rosie and other Swifties at OdySea Aquarium for Rosie’s Taylor Swift Dance Party? In 250 words or less, tell OdySea why this fan can relate to Rosie and Taylor, and how they are motivated and inspired by these two superstars. 

OdySea Aquarium will pick 10 winners to join the fun for a memorable Penguin Experience that includes time with Rosie and some of her penguin pals, light refreshments, photo opportunities, Taylor tributes, admission to OdySea Aquarium, a few surprises and, of course, dancing.

Write to [email protected] now through Feb. 1, 2023 to be considered. Applicants should include the name, age and phone number of the Swiftie fan (or parent phone number).

Winners will be notified by Feb. 13, 2023. Visit for more information.