Possum and Boat are young boys full of energy. They can spend hours playing together but once they are done being cute and mischievous they will snuggle up with you and make you feel like the best human in the world.
Possum is a big lover, making biscuits on top of you on his favorite soft blanket. Boat loves to play in the water (how he got his name) and can keep you entertained for hours. No need to watch TV or play video games when these boys are around. They are pure love and entertainment.
They are both about 6 months old and their adoption fee is $225 each. Friends for Life Animal Rescue is located at 952 W. Melody Ave. in Gilbert. At Friends for Life, animals are altered, vaccinated, microchipped and dewormed. Cats are also tested for FELV/FIV.
For more information on Friends for Life, Possum and Boat or other cats and dogs looking for homes, visit azfriends.