The Queen Creek Town Center will be bustling with all of your favorite activities taking place at Trunk or Treat. Activities will include carnival games, escape rooms, food vendors, Nerf wars and more.
Trunk or Treat, presented by Rodeo Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram, an Earnhardt Dealership, provides a fun environment for families to enjoy an inexpensive evening of Halloween festivities. Children trick-or-treat by going from car trunk to car trunk on “Trunk or Treat Street” to get their bag filled with goodies. Learn more by visiting
Candy Drive
Thousands of pieces of candy are distributed on Trunk or Treat Street each year. In order to keep up with the growing demand of trunk-or-treaters, the Queen Creek Parks and Recreation Division is hosting a candy drive through Oct. 8. Donate a bag of candy at the Library Recreation Annex, 21802 5. Ellsworth Road, for your chance to win one of four “Grand Prize” Trunk or Treat VIP Experiences. Earn a raffle ticket for every one pound bag of unopened, individually wrapped candy donated. Winners will be drawn and contacted on Monday, Oct. 11 and recognized through social media.
VIP Experience
Enjoy Trunk or Treat with the VIP Experience. A limited number of VIP Experiences are available for purchase at $75 each at the Library Recreation Annex, while supplies last. Additional “no wait” Trunk Line wristbands can be purchased for
$15 (maximum of two additional, must be purchased with VIP Experience).
The VIP Experience will include:
• VIP Parking Pass (Qty: 1)
• $20 in Carnival Tickets (Voucher)
• “No Wait” Trunk Line Wristbands (Qty: 4)
*Anyone (regardless of age) using the VIP Experience (front of the line access) is required to have a wristband. The package comes with four wristbands; two additional wristbands may be purchased for $15 each. Trunk or Treat Street is a free activity, open to everyone. The wristbands are only required for those families participating in the VIP Experience but wristbands MUST be worn by each person in the group to gain access.