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Juneteenth: A moment of reflection, celebration, rededication

This Juneteenth, let us dedicate ourselves anew to the values this day stands for. Let us be motivated by our history to propel forward our mission, honoring those who fought for freedom and justice by continuing their legacy through our actions. Let’s reflect on how we can each contribute to building a world where diversity is accepted and celebrated, every individual is valued for who they are, and every community can thrive.

As we mark Juneteenth, we're observing a mid-week holiday and celebrating what many in the United States call the country’s “second Independence Day.” Juneteenth commemorates a pivotal moment in our history—the end of slavery in Texas and, symbolically, across the nation following the Civil War. This day reflects a significant leap toward freedom and equality, yet it is also a stark reminder of the long road ahead.

Today, across the globe, companies are facing mounting pressure to roll back the progress we’ve made in diversity, equity, and inclusion. These vital initiatives are, regrettably, being used as tools for political maneuvering, often at the expense of real people who face genuine challenges. At Televerde, we confront this troubling trend with the resolve to not only maintain our commitment but to deepen it. We do not back down. Instead, we lean into these challenges, viewing each as a mountain worth climbing—and climb we do.

Our work at Televerde continues to be inspired by the spirit of Juneteenth. We embrace the day as both a historical milestone and reinforcement of our mission to empower marginalized communities and advocate for second chances. This commitment is embedded in every layer of our organization and reflects our dedication to transforming lives through employment and education, offering a pathway to new beginnings and sustained growth.

As a black female executive, I draw profound inspiration from the resilience and determination that Juneteenth represents. It is a day that resonates deeply with my own journey and with the journeys of those whose potential we seek to unlock. I see this commitment reflected in my team members and the work we do every day. We strive to embody the principles of equality and justice that this day symbolizes, ensuring that our efforts help pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future.

This Juneteenth, let us dedicate ourselves anew to the values this day stands for. Let us be motivated by our history to propel forward our mission, honoring those who fought for freedom and justice by continuing their legacy through our actions. Let’s reflect on how we can each contribute to building a world where diversity is accepted and celebrated, every individual is valued for who they are, and every community can thrive.

Thank you for joining me in this ongoing journey. Let's make this Juneteenth a moment of reflection, celebration, and rededication to our shared values and objectives.

Yolanda Slan is the head of human resources for Televerde in Phoenix, a global revenue creation partner supporting marketing, sales and customer success for B2B businesses worldwide.