Queen Creek Unified School District's (QCUSD) Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs have exciting plans for this school year, and we are currently looking for great partners in the local business community.
Each high school in the district offers a variety of CTE classes for students in a variety of professional industries. Partnering with our teachers and students could be as simple as being a guest speaker in a class, or those seeking a more impactful commitment can develop internship opportunities for our students.
In our programs, we place a high priority on preparing students to earn industry credentials while preparing them for the workforce and post-secondary school opportunities.
In addition to the core content of the program, our teachers work closely with students to develop their employability skills. We work with students on their presentation, resume, interviewing skills and how to be a good employee. If you would like to work with our staff in helping to develop these skills, please reach out to volunteer. We will be doing mock interviews later in the year.
Below is a list of some of our CTE programs with a few of the topics they will be covering in the next six weeks. Anyone interested in getting involved, contact Heidi Lee.
Early Childhood Education:
- Prenatal Health
- Childhood diseases
- First aid/Safety
Culinary Arts:
- Food Safety
- Culinary math and equivalents
- Knife safety and cuts
- Farm to plate/GMO labeling
- Basic farming practices/ plant structures
- External anatomy and digestive systems of livestock
- Business management in Ag
Software Design/Computer Maintenance/Computer Networking:
- Cisco platform utilization
- Troubleshooting and problem-solving protocols
Film and TV:
- Scriptwriting
- Elements and design
- Adobe Suite introduction/beginner
Construction Technologies/Carpentry:
- Tool Safety and use
- Creating plans to complete a project
Digital Photography:
- Photoshop= GMetrix
- Photographic genres/composition
Sports Medicine:
- Medical terminology
- Anatomy
- Injuries/Special tests
- Merchandising
- Finance
Graphic Design:
- Color splash effect and photo manipulation
- Designing logos for school programs
- Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
Nursing Services:
- Legalities of CNA work
- Subacute care
Heidi Lee is director of College and Career Readiness and Career and Technical Education programs at Queen Creek Unified School District. Reach her at [email protected].